Friday, March 20, 2009

How Does Internet Shape the future of Journalism

Wikipedia defines Journalism as the craft of conveying news, descriptive material and comment via a widening spectrum of media.
Throughout the past till today, newspapers have been the main medium of journalism, conveying news and information all across the country.However, recently, the internet is slowly taking over the role of newspapers and newspapers are no longer the cash cows that they used to be in the past. More and more readers are turning to the internet for their news.

A reason for this is because when one is online, you are not confined to just one point of view the newspaper presents you. Instead, you are able to browse around other sites and see what different online news papers have to say about a particular issue. Furthermore, New Yorkers stated that it is much more convenient to sit in front of a screen than to buy a paper and read it cover to cover.

Of course, with the increase in online news reporting, the traditional newspapers lose out as the explosive of videos allows readers to directly connect with the issue both mentally and visually. The traditional newspaper of course requires a bit of imagination. Also, studies of the past will be much easier as online interfaces allow readers to go back and forth as and when they like; they don't have to worry about missing last wednesday's paper because they know it will be available online.

However, with the rapid growth on online newspapers, there are ethical concerns. The internet is a virtual world where any point of view or comment can be posted, as a result, there has to be a standard that online newspapers have to follow. Blogs, MySpace, WordPress, opens a new door to journalism as well. People across the globe can give their point of view and comments about an issue at any point in time.

But these views have to be objective and disciplined. Traditional newspapers practise disciplined verification and editing as it will go public, but online, there is no one editor who will screen through the entire webpage to look for errors or any damning piece of information.

The future of journalism is bright thanks to all the new frontiers available on the internet. But at the same time, humans are able to connect more with the traditional piece of paper as we are not void of emotions.

As Patrick Dixion of said:
Paper becomes part of human beings as compared to a piece of writing on a computer screen.

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